SS United States Conservancy

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“It Takes a Village” to Save a Ship: SSUSC Community Updates

The SS United States remains afloat today only because so many people have rallied in support of America’s Flagship.  From the Conservancy’s advisory council, chapter chairs, key donors, board, staff, former passengers and crew, and active volunteers, our community is incredible. Here are a few updates from key members of the Conservancy’s “family”:Conservancy co-founder Dan McSweeney has taken the helm of the United War Veterans Council, departing from his position as managing director of the Conservancy’s SS United States Redevelopment Project.  Dan has made enormous contributions to the Conservancy over the years, and we are thrilled that he will remain on the Conservancy board as he assumes an important leadership role on behalf of the nation’s veterans.   Gerry Lenfest, whose transformative donations enabled the Conservancy to purchase the SS United States in 2011, was honored at two events this month: Drexel University honored him as “Businessman of the Year” and the National Maritime Historical Society and the Naval Historical Foundation honored him at their recent Washington Awards Dinner.The Conservancy’s European chapter chair, Mario Alvarez-Garcillan, welcomed a new member to the Conservancy’s European volunteer corps: his baby daughter.  Welcome to the world, Catalina!The Conservancy welcomes James Bracciante, who is providing us with crucial website and social media support. He has a background in film, television, radio, and new media.  We are so happy to have James on board!