SS United States Conservancy

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January 23, 2014 - he Philadelphia Chapter Rings in 2014

Ravi Giberson with his lego model of the SS United States.

Ravi Giberson's passion for the SS United States is infectious. Conservancy members and Big U fans will remember a speech he gave at a Conservancy event last summer. The Philadelphia Chapter was proud to have Ravi attend their January 2014 chapter meeting held on January 18, 2014 at Champp's restaurant.

Ravi's tireless work to spread the word about the SS United States continues with his article recently published in The Fallser, a local newspaper serving the East Falls suburb of Philadelphia. "I am a Philadelphian," he says, "and although the ship has been left to sit, I can see a happy ending." Read the full article on page 2 here.

Ravi will also be donating some of his SS United States collection to the Conservancy's upcoming SS United States: Charting a Course for America's Flagship exhibition opening March 7, 2014 at the Independence Seaport Museum. Members can help and contribute to ensure the success of this exhibit, for more information email us at

The Philly Chapter extends a heartfelt thank-you to all of those who joined us on Saturday to celebrate the New Year and to toast this pivotal year for Big U's future. Want to join your local Conservancy chapter or start a one in your area? Contact us at