SS United States Conservancy

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October 10, 2013 - SS United States in the Media

SS United States Conservancy Executive Director Susan Gibbs' op-ed on the intersection of current U.S. politics and the enduring symbolism of America's Flagship ran in several maritime outlets including Maritime Executive and Marine Log. To read the full piece, click here.On Thursday, October 10, 2013 the SS United States was featured on Radio Once More's "Live Show." Host Andrew Fielding spoke with Conservancy Executive Director Susan Gibbs about the ship and the Conservancy's efforts to Save Our Ship, to ensure that "America's Flagship" inspires and endures for generations to come. Visit Radio Once More's Facebook page here.The Conservancy would also like to thank freelance writer Geoff Craig, a passenger on the final voyage of the SS United States, for helping to spread the word about our efforts. Click here to visit his Liners of the Ocean blog.SS United States Conservancy Advisory Council member Steven Ujifusa was recently interviewed on WHYY's Friday Arts series. Watch as he discusses the SS United States and his book A Man and His Ship, available here, and explains how you can help with our restoration efforts by visiting forward, blog, tweet, and share these articles - sharing our press is a great way to spread the word!