SS United States Conservancy

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Transmission #4: Kiernan Meaghan

Photo courtesy of Miguel Cruz. After closing the scullery, we would venture into the First Class galley and pick up a couple of filet mignons, some French bread, a number 10 can of draft beer, and take them back to the aft crew deck below the main deck and watch the seas roll by. Talk about the good life! At night we would gather in ‘Times Square,’ the crossroads of the crew quarters, and shoot the breeze. I remember listening to Sandy Saddler, the ship’s athletic director, who was always dressed to the nines, eagerly recounting his epic bouts with Willie Pep. Meeting and getting to know the enormously varied individuals who made up the crew was an eye-opening experience for a kid fresh from high school. When I was returning to the ship for a departure from NYC, I always stood on the street at Pier 86 for a moment, just looking directly at the bow of the ship. I don’t think I ever saw a more beautiful manufactured object, a perfect blend of art, engineering, function, and grandeur.-- Kiernan Meaghan, waiter in the Engineering Officers’ mess (1962) and Cabin Class scullery (1963)