This 45-minute television documentary, produced by German news channel N24, explores how the SS United States served as a symbol of America at the peak of its power.The film crew visited the ship and interviewed a number of SS United States Conservancy leaders and and members. It was written and directed by Detlev Konnerth and Charlotte Krüger, and produced by Stefan Aust, one of the best-known journalists in Germany.Although the video is in German, you do have the option to add subtitles, and in our opinion, it’s worth watching for the footage alone!Click here to view “America’s Dreamboat: The History of the SS United States.”
March 26, 2012 - Associated Press
The launch of the Conservancy’s survey of the vessel's existing artwork, furnishings, and other artifacts was featured in an Associated Press story that ran in over a hundred news outlets nationwide from CBS News, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, the Palm Beach Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Anchorage Daily News, the Las Vegas Sun.WHYY, a Philadelphia-based NPR affiliate did a follow-on piece about the Conservancy's efforts to track down the ship's fittings and interviewed the Conservancy's executive director Susan Gibbs. As reporter Peter Crimmins told his radio listeners, "The massive ship that set a record for crossing the Atlantic has been on the chopping blocks for decades. Every time a potential scrapper towed it to a new port, things went missing." The Conservancy is determined to learn where the ship's many treasures have ended up.
July 1, 2011 - Wall Street Journal
“Famed Liner Steers Clear of Scrapyard,” by Jesse Pesta, The Wall Street Journal, July 1, 2010View the full article here, and the video here.