Media Highlights

Dec. 7 2016 -- NEO Music Scene: Exploring the SS United States

Photo courtesy of Brian M. Lumley"Every so often something so rock and roll comes past our desk that we just can’t pass it up," writes journalist and photographer Brian Lumley. Lumley, who primarily covers the music scene in Cleveland, Ohio, recently got the opportunity to tour the SS United States."Too much of America’s cultural history has been lost to neglect. We shouldn’t endorse the loss of such a fine example of 20th century ingenuity and power. Conceived in a time when America was at the height of our economic, engineering and inventive powers, this post-war gem represents everything that truly made this country shine. Maybe her rescue and rebirth could herald another such time."Click here to read Lumley's evocative description of his visit to the ship and view the photos he took during the tour.

Nov 23, 2016 -- Penn Live: Memories of the SS United States

Heinz Bayer sees the SS United States for the first time since it brought him to the United States from Germany in the 1960s. Courtesy of Julia Hatmaker. A news team from PennLive was on hand at our crew reunion in September to interview attendees about what the SS United States means to them. You can now watch stories from five individuals -- Heinz Bayer, who emigrated from Germany aboard the SS United States; Joe Rota, a long-time crew hand; Harold Goldfarb, who once served as the ship's surgeon; and Susan Gibbs, granddaughter of the ship's designer, William Francis Gibbs, and the Conservancy's executive director.Click here to watch those interviews. 

Nov 22, 2016 -- Penn Live: How 'America's flagship' ended up decaying outside of an Ikea

 Courtesy of Julia Hatmaker.This excellent article by Julia Hatmaker delves into the rich history of the SS United States -- including William Francis Gibbs' legendarily obsessive fireproofing -- and projects what the future could hold for "the jewel of the American maritime experience."Hatmaker's piece includes gorgeous video reporting from our crew reunion in September. "It is not fair to say that this is just a ship," former passenger Heinz Bayer told her. "It is more than a ship. It is for people like me, a way into a new life ... and a new world. It becomes like a mother that takes you someplace where you're safe, and the SS United States had been my mother in regards to that."Click here to read the full piece.