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Donation of historic items by Michael O'Byrne

Longtime supporter Michael O’Byrne recently donated a small plate, punch cup, and beverage server to the SS United States Conservancy. The three items were originally used on the SS United States during the ship’s years of service and remained on board until being purchased by Gwendolyn Wilder in an auction held in October of 1984. Gwendolyn then gifted the items to her dear friend, Michael. Michael’s donation of these items was made in honor of Gwendolyn whose life and love of the ship is briefly detailed below.IMG_3654Born on May 20, 1948, Gwendolyn was the daughter of a United States Army officer. When her father was stationed in Paris, France in the 1950s, the Wilder family made the trip to Europe aboard the SS United States. It was during her family’s voyage across seas that Gwendolyn fell in love with “America’s Flagship.” While in France, she attended the Paris American High School and, after graduating, returned to the states on the SS United States. After college, Gwendolyn joined the United States Army, and by 1983, had become a captain in the Military Intelligence. It was around this time she met Michael and the two were both assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency where they became close friends.


Gwendolyn often spoke with Michael about her wonderful cruises on the United States and how heartbroken she was that the ship was likely headed for the scrapyard. When the auction of the ship’s contents was announced in October of 1984, she made sure to be on leave enabling her to attend. Unfortunately, at the time, Michael was involved in a project and was unable to go with her. Upon Gwendolyn’s return, however, she brought back the three pieces of silver serving ware as a gift for Michael. In 1988, Gwendolyn left Washington, D.C. for an assignment in Germany. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with cancer and returned home in 1991 to begin aggressive treatment. Gwendolyn passed away on February 23, 1992.Michael regales, “Gwendolyn was a remarkable woman, beautiful in every way and so full of life.” In her honor, on, he previously dedicated section S319FF, the window to the Captain’s quarters on the Sports Deck of the SS United States. Michael’s recent donation of the three pieces of serving ware was accepted in honor of Gwendolyn. The Conservancy is honored to serve as stewards of these items which act as tangible reminders of Michael and Gwendolyn’s enduring friendship and shared love for the SS United States.

Mahalia Jackson & SSUS by Mario Alvarez-Garcillán

1964American gospel singer Mahalia Jackson was among the great number of famous personalities who crossed the Atlantic aboard the SS United States. Although she almost always suffered from seasickness, sailing on the ocean was one of the things she most loved to do. In an excerpt from her personal diary, written aboard the ship between March 30th and April 4th, 1961 Miss Jackson described her journey this way:New York, March 30: We took a cab to the United States Lines pier on W. 46th Street to board the SS United States. Loads of friends gathered to see me off. Everything was most exciting, with photographers from New York papers snapping pictures. I was dead tired and soon as the boat pulled out I was in my room and in bed.1961SS United States, April 1: After sleeping for two days I came out of my stateroom through the insistence of musical director Meyer Davis who kept calling to me to attend a party for comedian Jackie Gleason. So finally I pulled myself out of bed and mingled with the guests, but within an hour I was back in my room looking out through the window at the beautiful water. I never knew water had such a drawing power on me. It was quite interesting to see the differnt forms and shapes the water would take, the different waves and colours; the different moods and sounds.The next day, on April 2, which was Easter Sunday, Ms. Jackson sang aboard "Were You There When They Crucified Our Lord" for the Protestant Service. Two days later the Big U arrived at Southampton where reporters and interviewers came aboard to interview her, prior to the triumphant concert that took place at the Royal Albert Hall in London.PhotoCredit: Bettmann/CORBIS

SS United States Sampan Funnels by Mario Alvarez-Garcillán

Howard E. Lee (left) observes the funnels smoke trail during the wind tunnel test."Preventing fumes on decks from the funnels has always been a headache for ship designers. Although it was proved that the streamlined funnel design of William Francis Gibbs used previously on the SS Santa Rosa and her three sister ships and on the SS America, was also suitable for the great SS United States, some changes were made in order to definitely improve the results. The idea was surprisingly simple and consisted of modifying the fins angle by making them parallel to the ship’s keel and not raked aft, as in all of Gibbs’ previous designs.Wind tunnel tests proved that the fins rotation directed the smoke fumes upward and aft by the strong wind currents created by at the trailing edge of the now horizontal fin design. This resulted in keeping decks virtually smoke free, as never before achieved on a liner. The man responsible of this successful idea wasn't Mr. Gibbs but a Newport News shipyard apprentice named Howard E. Lee Jr., who, as result of his experience with building and flying model airplanes, decided to apply the concept of ‘lift’ associated with airfoils to shipbuilding."Learn more about the ship here.