November 4, 2013 - A Local Artists' Fresh Look at the SS United States

Detail from Wanderer Above Philadelphia, Jonathan Ryan, 18"x24" gouache on paper, 2013.Local artist and MFA student, Jonathan Ryan, and his colleagues at the Tyler School of Art will open their studios to the greater Philadelphia public this weekend. Tyler is ranked among the top 10 MFA programs in Painting by U.S. News and World Report. Several of Ryan's paintings feature the SS United States and depict parts of the ship from a unique, fresh angle.Ryan's work examines place and our perceptions of our environment. "All of my paintings are derived from particular places I have explored. My goal is to figure out what visual qualities give a place its specificity," he explains.Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a new perspective on the SS United States iconic stacks!When: Saturday, November 9, 4:00 - 8:00 pmWhere: Tyler School of Art at Temple University, 2001 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19122.Ryan's studio is on the 3rd floor, immediately to the left of the elevator.