Maiden Voyage T-Shirt Contest Runner Up: Ashley Latrella

Docked along Columbus Avenue on the Philadelphia waterfront since 1996, America’s Flagship is a recognizable landmark for residents of south Jersey and the City of Brotherly love. Driving across the Walt Whitman Bridge to visit her grandmother in south Philadelphia, Ashley Latrella would gaze upon the SS United States with wonder and fascination. As the years went on, Ashley’s interest in the ship grew, as did her passion for historic preservation.

Today, Ashely is a graphic designer by trade, who continues to follow the story of America’s Flagship as the Blue Riband holder awaits a rebirth.

Speaking with the Conservancy, Ashley shared that she hoped her design would portray the grandness of the fastest ocean liner to ever cross the Atlantic. She also felt it was keenly important to provide people with a design that showed the iconic vessel crashing through the waves that would call to mind a bygone era when traveling was grand and style and sophistication was paramount.

Ashley noted that, like many others, she follows the Conservancy and the ship on social media, though she feels “the pictures online simply don’t do it justice.” She said, “the story of the ship must be told. It is too important to let it slip away. That’s what I hope people appreciate when they see [my] design.”


Limited-edition t-shirts featuring the contest winning design can be ordered by visiting: