Dec 9, 2016 -- Major Milestones from 2016

Annual Appeal 2016_donation ask

The SS United States Conservancy has achieved many major milestones over the past year:

  • Our efforts to save the SS United States received marquee coverage from major media outlets around the world, including the New York Times, National Geographic, Fox News, the Associated Press, USA Today, CBS News, NBC Nightly News, NPR, and many more.
  • We expanded our permanent collections, including adding over 600 artifacts from the Mariners’ Museum of Newport News, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the estate of Dr. Sara Forbes, and the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunnicutt, III.
  • We further advanced our museum planning efforts, including hosting an intensive museum design session with the Conservancy’s curatorial team, preservationists, digital specialists, historians, architects, and marine engineers.
  • We expanded our online presence with the launch of a new blog “Call Sign KJEH”, and enhanced our member newsletter. Our Facebook fans now number almost 18,000.
  • We organized a festive crew reunion and celebration in Philadelphia that attracted supporters from across the nation. More inspiring events are planned for 2017.

As the year draws to a close, the Conservancy continues to advance redevelopment plans for the SS United States. Extensive new feasibility studies and technical assessments garnered through the Crystal Cruises option agreement have proved to be a valuable resource in ongoing talks with a number of developers and cities. To read more about these efforts in our annual appeal letter, click here.While redevelopment plans progress, the Conservancy is continuing to showcase the ship’s history, build our curatorial collections, and educate the public about her legacy -- to learn more about our education and outreach initiatives, click here. As the Conservancy works to secure a bright future for the SS United States, we still have to pay for the ship’s upkeepYou can play a pivotal role in saving the “Big U” for future generations, and introducing her legacy to new audiences, by joining the thousands of SS United States Conservancy members who help keep the greatest ship afloat with their generous donations. Click here to make your contribution today.