May 1, 2015 - Model the SS United States Instagram Contest


Instagram Contest: Model the SS United States

 The SS United States Conservancy is proud to announce our first-ever Big U Model Contest on Instagram!Anyone and everyone is encouraged to enter! Simply create a 3D representation of the SS United States. You can use any combination of materials (wood, plastic, Legos, cake, pipe cleaners, Play-Doh, etc.) When you’re finished with your model, post a picture of it to Instagram with the hashtags #SSUSC and #BigUModelContest and upload it to our website using the form below! On June 1, voting will begin!  We'll provide instructions on how you can vote for your favorite model - stay tuned. The model with the most votes will win a tour for 2 on the SS United States and will be featured on the Conservancy's website!No modeling skills? You can still get in on the action! Simply follow the SS United States Conservancy's Instagram feed. One Instagram follower will be chosen at random and awarded a replica Duck Suite Key Tag from the Conservancy's Ebay store.So what are you waiting for? Submit your entries now and follow the SSUSC on Instagram!More details and our entry form are available on our official contest page.