The Last Voyage by Mike Rosenzweig

The SS United States remains an inspirational force for people around the world. Mike Rosenzweig, who sailed and worked aboard other United States Lines’ vessels, including the SS American Legacy and the SS American Lark, composed “The Last Voyage” about America’s Flagship.


Music and Lyrics by Mike Rosenzweig


We steamed into Norfolk aboard the Big U.

Secured her main engines 'bout quarter to two.

Closed up her stops like true engineers,

And opened her drains with eyes full of tears.


The feed pumps they spun with a sorrowful whine

As if they all realized they'd be off the line

For seven long years without water or steam

We laid up the ace of the U.S. Lines team. 


She was fast and so sleek with two stacks above,

The Queen of the oceans that I learned to love,

Eight boilers, four screws and a thousand feet long,

Her bulkheads and floorplates were ever so strong.


And now she was finished her vacuum we broke!

She'd make no more steam and belch no more smoke!

My heart is so heavy with pain I can feel,

As I spin one more valve and secure her gland seal.


With jack gear engaged I stood down below.

There were jobs to be done before we could go.

Her main circs we had to take off of the line

And write up the log for the last watch was mine!


We walked down the gangway when we were all through.

Fifty-two engineers and each secretly knew

This grand young lady, this queen of all ships

L.A. to Hawaii will make some more trips!


She's the pearl of the sea, I call her my home.

I'll mind her and mend her wherever she'll roam!

Wipers & oilers, engineers and mates,

We're all proud to sail on the United States!